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Today’s teaching from Pastor Chris is a strengthening of the message that we should rejoice and celebrate the life that we have in Jesus Christ. Pastor Chris emphasized that:-
‘Everything you’d ever need in life is in Christ, and Christ is in you, and to have Christ is to have everything. Colossians 1:27 says, “…Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

He went on to ask the global audience “Have you been desiring or expecting to see the glory of God revealed in your finances, your health, business, or family?” He expounded the notion that “The glory has already been revealed. That’s the meaning and reason for Christmas; that’s why we’re so full of joy that Christ was born into this world, to live in our hearts”
He went even further to remind us that, “Christ in you is your assurance of divine health, prosperity, success, victory, and dominion. Hallelujah! What you need is to discover Christ in you. If Christ isn’t in a man, then his sufferings are justified; his pains are “excusable.” But not so with you; you’ve been brought into the “glory life.”
When one lives a Christ-conscious life it gives you incredible joy and abundance. There is no purer love, there are no purer actions than those coming from someone who shares in the divine glory of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Savior.
With the further ” revelation of Christianity is Christ IN YOU; not in heaven. Don’t start fasting and asking Him to pour something out from heaven; don’t ask Him to give you a blessing from heaven. He’s blessed you already with Himself; with all the blessings that are in Christ (Ephesians 1:3).” Pastor Chris asked his global family to meditate on all that Christ is to you.
Kindly download the full devotional on “Rhapsody of Realities.”
Christmas Eve service with Pastor Chris
This will edify you before you participate in the Christmas Eve Service with Pastor Chris on Tuesday, December 24th. This colorful service has the theme ‘Christmas Around the World,’ and will be hosted from the prestigious LoveWorld Convocation Arena, Lagos, Nigeria and transmitted live on all LoveWorld TV networks
It will be to be an uplifting time as the Man of God, Pastor Chris, reveals deeper truths about Christmas. The service will also feature performances from around the world as the LoveWorld family celebrates the birth of the Savior, Jesus Christ.
Mediate on this confession
“What a privilege it is to be a member of His body, of His flesh and of His bones! Christ in me, the hope of glory! I’ve been granted the grace and ability in Christ to reign and rule over all circumstances! I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Christ in me is my assurance of a life of continuous victory and unending success. Blessed be God.”
Join us in moments of worship and praise with Pastor Chris and all-stars of the LoveWorld Nation in celebration of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on the 24th December 2019 at the LoveWorld Convocation Arena Lagos Nigeria. Showing on all LoveWorld Networks, www.ceflix.org, www.pastorchrisonline.org or www.helloloveworld.tv at 8pm GMT+1 on Tuesday, December 24th, to join in the exalted time of worship and joy... Get ready to be part of this life-transforming service. God Bless You.
Source: Pastor Chris Live USA