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35+ Hot-Selling Products to Sell During Christmas And The New Year | Image Source: Pexels
Christmas is a great season for celebrations, gift sharing, family time together, and even business growth. This time of the year is always graced with so many activities, causing a lot more money to be spent on various products and services. As a result, most businesses make more than twice the money they would have made at any other time of the year, and as such, always look forward to the next Christmas season.
Since there’s so much money to be made during Christmas, what products should you or should you not sell? And how can you make the most of the period?
To maximize your sales during Christmas and the New Year, here are 35+ hot-selling products to sell before, during, and after Christmas and the New Year:
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1). Christmas Trees:
Christmas trees are one of the most common items people buy during Christmas. They’re used to decorate homes, buildings, and even streets. As one of the most demanded Christmas product, you can venture into the sale of Christmas trees as you’d be certain of selling out almost all, if not all of your stock.
2). Christmas Lights:
Just like Christmas trees, Christmas lights are used to create a beautiful allure in various places during Christmas. They’re used to decorate restaurants, homes, streets, parties, and much more. They’re one of the most visible items that are used during Christmas, and as such, are highly demanded, making them a great product to sell.
3). Firecrackers / Fireworks:
Firecrackers / Fireworks are used every Christmas to create beautiful lighting in the sky and to also make cracking sounds if thrown on the ground. They bring people together because kids and teenagers love to light up their firecrackers when they’re in groups, and so, are always on the rush to buy much more during every Christmas and New Year.
You can take advantage of this hot demand and sell firecrackers during Christmas and the new year with a certainty of almost selling out every single piece you’d have left in your store.
4). Poultry Products:
Poultry products like Chickens and Turkeys are cooked during Christmas and have indirectly become the symbolic meal for the festive season. Everyone goes ahead to buy poultry products during Christmas, and as such, people selling usually have a far larger stock.
The good thing about selling poultry products like Chickens and Turkeys during Christmas is that while you may sell a lot of them, you’d still be able to sell what’s left all year round, making the sales of poultry products a great business to venture into before, during, and after Christmas and the New Year.
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5). Alcoholic Beverages & Soft Drinks:
With so many celebrations going on during Christmas, alcoholic beverages and soft drinks record far higher sales since households, events, and more would purchase a lot of them to be served to guests.
While alcoholic beverages and soft drinks are great all-year-round products to sell, their sales spike greatly during Christmas.
6). FoodStuffs:
Foodstuffs like rice and more are in high demand during Christmas, and so, their sales skyrocket during the festive season. You can take advantage of the market demand to start selling foodstuffs with the guarantee that you can still sell what’s left all-year-round.
7). Clothing:
People mostly buy new clothes for themselves and their kids during Christmas, and so, clothing is another item whose sales spike during Christmas. Clothing items like T-Shirts, trousers, dresses, and a lot more sell-out during Christmas.
8). Event/Party Items:
With so many events going on, selling/renting out event items like tents, staging items, party supplies, chairs & tables, table wear, linens and chair covers, and much more to event managers would grow your sales during Christmas.
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9). Gift Baskets / Boxes / Hampers:
Christmas is a season of gifting, and as a result, a lot of people buy gifts for their loved ones, family members, business associates, and much more during Christmas. This gifting culture causes the sales of gift baskets, boxes, and hampers to sell out a lot during Christmas.
You can take advantage of the gifting needs of people during Christmas to start the sale of Gift baskets and boxes. The good thing about this is people still buy gifts for their loved ones all year round, meaning you’d still be in business.
10). Children’s Toys:
Kids expect gifts during Christmas, but mostly toys. They always have a favourite cartoon character’s toy-look they’d love to own, and most parents are always on the lookout to gift them with different toys whether they know the exact toys their kids want or not.
You could add children’s toys to your arsenal of Christmas products to sell to maximise your profit margins.
11). Christmas Wallpapers:
Just like Christmas lights and tree, Christmas wallpapers are mostly purchased upon sight, because they’re beautiful and serve as great decors in homes and more.
12). Christmas (Santa) Outfits:
Christmas outfits like hats, Santa Clause’s robe, and more are usually in high-demand every Christmas as many people love to dress-up in the look of the season. You could stock your store with some Christmas outfits, especially hats for sale to people looking to dress all up and look fully ready for the Christmas season.
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13). Artworks:
Artworks are another top-selling Christmas item. People buy them to beautify their homes and offices ahead of the new year when the sales and demand start to drop. You could sell affordable artworks to people during Christmas, while you sell what’s left through the rest of the year.
14). Christmas Cards:
Christmas cards are one of the most demanded products during Christmas, because people love to show their loved ones that they care about them by also gifting them with cards containing beautiful love messages written inside. These cards are bought by all types of people ranging from teenagers to adults and more, afterwhich they give them to the people they care about.
You can start the sales of Christmas cards along with other Christmas items you’re selling and gift them to your loved ones.
15). Event Tickets:
With so much events going on during Christmas, event ticket sales are another hot-selling item during Christmas. You could signup to resell the tickets of a particular event to people, and depending on how you want to market them, you can sell them online or offline.
16). Candies, Sweets, and Junk Food:
Candies, sweets, and junk food sell-out a whole lot more during Christmas. Kids buy them a lot, and families buy them when they go to amusement parks and other relaxation spots. You could sell them in frequented places during Christmas and be certain to maximise your sales, leading to a high-growth in your income.
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17). Accessories:
Accessories like Shoes and handbags are in high demand during Christmas, and as such, they sell-out a whole lot. You could start the sale of fancy looking accessories and sell them online or offline during Christmas.
18). Video Games:
Kids and teenagers love video games, and so, most parents having had their kids bug them all year for a video game, end up buying one for them during Christmas. You can sell video games during Christmas with a certainity of selling off a few.
The good thing about video games is they can be sold all year round, meaning all that’s left can be sold during the year.
19). Electronics:
Electronic stores sell far more elctronics during Christmas because people are trying to have a makeover of their homes or are trying to gift electronics to people celebrating anniversaries, weddings, and more.
The spike in the demand for electronics during Christmas is a reason to sell some.
20). Kitchenware and Appliances:
Just like electronics, kitchenware and appliances sell more during the Christmas period. With a lot of cooking and preparations going on, people tend to purchase new kitchenware and appliances during the Christmas and new year period.
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22). Fancy Furniture:
Furniture is another item that sells during the Christmas period. Most people buy houses during this period and so, go shopping for attractive and affordable furniture to furnish their homes with.
23). Cookies:
Cookies are sold a whole lot during the Christmas season, as they’re used as dessert for homes, visitors, and more either after the main meal has been dished or before. They’re also bought by kids who have an increased taste for them and since they usually have more money during the Christmas period, they spend most of it on cookies and more.
24). Cosmetics:
Cosmetics like makeup kits and more sell faster during the Christmas period because most ladies want to look beautiful to many places they go to. Since most of them would be travelling either within the country or outside the country, they would always be on their best looks, and to achieve this, they buy different makeup kits and wear them almost everywhere they go.
25). Holiday Decorations:
Festivities draw in a lot of celebrations, and every celebration is graced with decorations. With so much activities going on during Christmas and the new year holidays, you can sell holiday decoration items to people.
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26). Perfumes:
After dressing up and wearing makeup, most ladies go on to spray perfumes on their clothes so they can smell great wherever they go, causing the sales of perfumes to skyrocket during the festive period.
27). Lip Balms:
Lip balms are worn to keep the lips moist and not dry, as there could be extreme cold during the Christmas period, causing most lips to go as far as even having break-lines across. Most people prevent this by using lip balms, making it a hot-selling commodity during the Christmas season.
28). Weight Loss Products:
People want to look good for Christmas, and so, mostly start working out or taking weight loss products ahead of the season. After they fatten up during the Christmas season, they go on to try to burn the fat after the new year.
You could sell weight loss products to people looking to lose weight before or after Christmas.
29). Mobile Phones and Accessories:
Mobile phones and its accessories are some of the most demanded things people ask for during Christmas. Most people change their mobile phones when the festive season is close so they can show off with their new fancy devices or start the new year with a different mobile phone.
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30). Books:
While people buy several things during Christmas, a lot of people buy books as the holiday is the best time for them to actually read anything. You could take advantage of this knowledge to sell inspirational and motivational books to people, especially those looking to start the new year on a better note.
31). Souvenirs:
Souvenirs are given to people who attend occasions and events. And since more occasions and events would be happening during the Christmas and new year, more souvenirs would be distributed.
You could partner with event organisers to get their clients to purchase your souvenirs for distribution to their guests.
32). Power Banks:
While everyone is celebrating, electricity continues to be an issue in Nigeria, and as such, better access to backup power is key for anyone that’s going to have a long day at a beach, party, or general outing. This means more people will need more ways to keep their mobile phones, tablets, and more charged, and so, will spend more money on power banks.
You can take advantage of this knowledge to market fancy looking power banks that have very high battery capacities at affordable costs.
33). Bicycles:
Kids love bicycles and always look forward to their parents someday buying them one. Since the period of the year when parents gift their children with items is Christmas, more bicycles get purchased and gifted during this period.
You can take advantage of the Christmas season to sell bicycles. The good thing about this is you can sell what’s left after the Christmas and new year holiday.
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34). Automobiles:
Since a lot of travelling would be invovled during the Christmas season, many more automobiles will get sold in the same timeframe. People want to show off their new cars, and so, would tend to purchase vehicles.
35). Bags:
Travelling bags, backpacks, and more get sold during the Christmas holidays since they’d be in use by families travelling to various locations. You could sell bags during the Christmas or long after the Christmas break
36). Houses/Lands:
Most people want to start the new year on a brand new note, and as such, try to purchase or rent a new house or apartment. You can work as a real estate broker to help some of them realize their goals.
37). Solar Energy Installation:
All thought new to the African way of living but most people especially in developed economy of the world have started using solar energy as their most effective way to power their homes, offices, etc. You can act as a broker with solar energy companies in Nigeria like Solynta to provide affordable home solar power system as you earn commission on sales.
To Sum It Up
The Christmas and new year season is a time of celebration, and celebrations always come with an accelerated market demand for many things people shy away from during the year. With the knowledge of what and what not to sell during the Christmas and new year season, you can grow a successful business.
What are your thoughts on these 37+ hot-selling items to sell before, during, and after Christmas? Let me know by leaving a comment below.