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Source: Sushmita Sen, ibtimes.co.in
Happy Easter 2015: Picture GreetingTwitter
Happy Easter 2015: Picture GreetingTwitter
Happy Easter 2015: Picture GreetingTwitter
Happy Easter 2015: Picture GreetingTwitter
Happy Easter 2015: Picture GreetingTwitter
Happy Easter 2015: Picture GreetingTwitter
Christians all over the world are busy with their holy week, which will end on the day after Easter. This year, the holy festival falls on 5 April.
The Friday in Easter week is known as Good Friday, Holy Friday, Great Friday, Black Friday or Easter Friday. It is the day when Jesus Christ's crucifixion took place, leading to his death at Calvary.
Sunday is celebrated as the Easter Day as it is on this day that Christ resurrected. Christians believe, according to Scripture, that Jesus came back to life or was raised from the dead, three days after his death on the cross.
Easter is a holy festival, during which special prayers are sung in praise of Jesus Christ in church. It is then followed by an elaborate Sunday mass, with happy music being played in the background. People also decorate eggs as part of the celebration and they are known as "Easter Eggs".
Check out the above slideshow of Easter greetings and also look below for a few wishes to send to family and friends:
- "May you feel the joy of the presence of Jesus. The Lord has risen to bless us this Easter. And I pray that the love of God is resurrected, reborn and renewed in your heart. Happy Easter."
- "The story of Easter is the story of Gods wonderful window of divine surprise."
- "The seasonal remembrance of resurrection is here again, and whole world is reminded of the life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, son of God, saviour of mankind."
- "The best thing about Easter Sunday is being with family and good friends. Happy Easter!"
- "Let the resurrection joy lift us from loneliness and weakness and despair to strength and beauty and happiness."
Source: OGO ANTONIOU, wishesquotes.com/
Some remember walking up the sidewalk to church on Easter morning with their family. Mom wore a hat, Dad was in a suit, and the children had on their finest Spring clothes. Others remember searching for eggs and candy, then tearing into an Easter basket brimming with treats. Christians give thanks for the resurrection of Christ, while others look forward to the daffodils and crocus’ to appear. Whatever your memories, Easter is a time of renewal and awakening. Here are some examples of hopeful thoughts to share with those who join you in celebrating Easter and the arrival of Spring.
Warm Easter Wishes
- Joining you in gratitude for Christ’s sacrifice and the joyful renewal it brings to all God’s children this Easter season.
- An Easter Poem For You: Spring has sprung, the grass has riz, I wish I were in the chocolate biz! Happy Easter.
- If it weren’t for the beautiful Spring weather, I’d be really upset with that damn bunny for eating all my flower bulbs. Happy Easter anyway.
- Happy Easter to you and your family as we celebrate our Father’s greatest sacrifice through his Son, Jesus Christ. Have a blessed Easter.
- I love Easter. It’s a time for eating all the chocolate you can find with complete impunity! Have a delicious Easter.
- Lavender plaid, pinks and pastels everywhere, sun shining and blue skies… It’s almost like being on a golf course in South Florida! Happy Easter.
- We tolerate a little Spring rain in order to enjoy the sunshine that follows. It’s just like we tolerate a little heartburn in order to enjoy copious amounts of Easter candy! Enjoy!
- All we got to do is follow Christ, for in Christ will all our queries be solved. Have a Blessed and Meaningful Easter.
- Be thankful because Jesus gave us another chance to be a good person. His death cleansed us from our sins.
- Celebrate this Easter with a heart filled with love and peace. Have a blessed and wonderful Easter!
- Christ is risen. Hallelujah! May the miracle of Easter bring you renewed hope, faith, love and joy.
- Easter brings fun, Easter bring Happiness, Easter brings God’s endless blessings, Easter brings love and the freshness of spring. Happy Easter to you and your family!
- Easter brings God Endless Blessings, Easter brings fresh love… Happy Easter to You, with all best wishes!
- The risen Christ is celebrated in every opened flower, in every beam of nourishing sunlight, in every humble patch of green beneath our feet. Easter blessings.
Lovely Easter Messages
- May this Easter Sunday inspire you to new hope, happiness, prosperity and abundance, all received through God’s divine grace.
- Easter brings us hope, may it linger in our hearts forever. Here’s wishing you a very Happy Easter.
- Easter gives hope for tomorrow, As after the winter comes Spring. Our hearts can be filled with gladness As hearts rejoice and sing.
- “Forgive them father, for they no not what they do”. He died so that we can live again. Celebrate his love this Easter Day!
- Easter gives us yet another reason to be thankful to God. Have the joy of the coming of Christ be filled in your heart and bring peace into your life. Have a Blessed Easter.
- Easter is a wonderful day to celebrate all Christ has done for us. Have a Blessed Easter!
- Easter is a good time to enjoy all of your many meaningful blessings: family, friends, Jesus, and, of course, chocolate molded into tasty bunnies.
- Easter is a time of reflection and joy. When we emerge from our cocoon of doubt to fly freely on the wings of faith. I wish you a very happy Easter!
- Easter SMS & Text Messages
- Easter is God’s blessing to the world. It is his way of telling us that, love and hope still exists in the world. May you have a learned Easter.
- Easter is the time to repent for all our sins and thank God for all his blessings over us. Let us prepare ourselves for the returning of Christ. Happy Easter to you.
- Easter is the time to spread the joy and happiness that Christ has brought about into our lives, to everyone we meet. Wishing you and your loved ones a Meaningful Easter.
- Easter Greetings for Friends and Family
- Easter reminds us about God’s never ending love for us. Let us all together praise and worship God for his endless blessings. Have a blessed Easter.
- Easter reminds us that hope must never be lost for as dark as the road may seem, there always lies light at the end of it. May all your prayers be fulfilled. May you have a pleasant Easter!
- I wish you and your loved ones the renewal of love, happiness and life. Have a wonderful Easter!
Happy Easter Sayings and Quotes
- Finally that time of the year is here. Happy Easter to you my friend. May the risen lord will your heart with compassion, joy, love and never ending bliss.
- God blesses all those who believe in him. May the light of faith in God grow each day. May you have a pleasant Easter!
- Have a happy, peaceful, and fun Easter filled with marshmallows, chocolate, and jelly beans
- He was born to die and rise into the sky, so that one day we all could pray to him to save our lives. Here’s wishing you a very Happy Easter.
- I hope this holiday fills your heart and your home with love and joy.
- I hope you have colorful eggs, candy, grass, and chocolate bunnies in your Easter basket this year.
- Easter Quotes
- I just popped into your inbox, to wish the sweetest person in this world loads of Easter eggs, just as sweet as you. Happy Easter.
- It’s not about the bunny, eggs, or even dressing up for church. It’s about the hope that we have because there was an empty tomb.
- Jesus choose to lay down on the cross in the place of us, so that we can have life. So great is his love for each one of us. Let us praise and worship Him. Have a Blessed Easter.
- Jesus Christ, who was born in a manger, is born again in your heart. Happy Easter to you and your family.
- Just like after every night comes a new day and after darkness comes light, after a painful death comes new life. Happy Easter to you.
- Let this Easter be a joyous one. Let us prepare ourselves, to be worthy of the risen Christ. Happy Easter.
- Let us together pray to Jesus to rise into our hearts and bring us new life. Here’s wishing you a Memorable Easter.
- May Easter bunny get you lots and lots of presents. Enjoy the season of Easter eggs and bonnet hats. Have a Happy Easter.
What to Write in an Easter Card
- May Easter Day Brings Lot of Happiness And joy in your life, May you live long life And Easter Day comes in your life hundred times, Wish you and your family a Happy Easter!
- May Jesus bless you immensely on this auspicious occasion. May you have a pleasant Easter.
- May Jesus Christ bless you and your family with abundant happiness and inner peace. Have a Blessed Easter.
- Easter Cards and Pictures
- May our Lord send his choicest blessings upon you and your family this Easter. Have a Blessed Easter.
- May the angels protect you, May the sadness forget you, May goodness surround you, And may Lord Jesus Christ always bless you, Happy Easter to you and your family!
- May the Lord’s face shine upon you this Easter. Wish you and your family a Happy Easter!
- May the returning back of Jesus Christ bring inner peace and satisfaction to your heart. Wish you and your family a Happy Easter!
- May the risen Christ bring happiness to you and your family all year round. Wishing you and all your loved ones a very Happy Easter.
- May the risen Christ bring you and your family abundant happiness. Have a blessed Easter.
- May the risen Lord bless you abundantly and bring lots of happiness to you and your family. Happy Easter.
- May the spirit of hope that Easter brings, Help you find contentment in little things, And restore your faith in the Lord above, Who gave His life for the ones He loves. Happy Easter to you and your family!
- May this year’s Easter bring you new faith, new hope and new goals! Have a wonderful Easter!
- May you and your family be blessed with countless blessings from the Lord. May your life be transformed magically into something beautiful and magical. Happy Easter to you and your loved ones.
- May you be blessed with God’s warm love and trust in his living grace this Easter.
- May you be renewed and strengthened in the promise of our Lord. Have a blessed and wonderful Easter!
- May you feel love and happiness during this holiday. Have a wonderful Easter!
- May your Easter be filled with bright feelings and may your heart be filled with the joy of the holiday.
- May your Easter be filled with lots of Easter eggs, presents from the Easter bunny, blessings from Jesus Christ and most of all happiness that lasts for a life time. I’m sending lots of love on your way. Happy Easter to you.
- On Easter Sunday, Jesus Christ promises us never to leave our side and to love us this way forever. Let us place all our hope and trust in him. Have a Joyous Easter.
- Our dear Jesus gave us the best gift anyone could ever give us, the gift of life. Have a Happy Easter.
- Our Lord said, ‘Ask and you shall receive, knock and the door will be opened to you.’ Such is the love of the Lord. Let us place all our trust in him. Have a Peaceful and Hopeful Easter.
- Praise God for He loves us so much! Thank Jesus for living among us. Be worthy of the life we have been given. Celebrate Easter with joy!
- Rejoice and be glad, for the promise of Jesus Christ has been fulfilled. Our Savior has risen from the dead. Happy Easter to one and all.
- Rejoice and sing praises to God. For Jesus Christ has risen from the dead, just how he had promised. Here’s wishing a very happy Easter to you and your family. May your hearts be filled perpetually with compassion, hope and love.
- Spread the warmth and joy in your hearts to all those you meet. Rejoice for the Lord has risen from the dead. Happy Easter to you and your family.
- Take time to be silent and offer prayers to God. It is through our silence that He hears our prayers the most. Happy Easter!
- The cross is the symbol of sacrifice for love. This Easter let all of us promise in our hearts, to face suffering readily for the happiness of our brothers and sisters. Happy Easter to you.
- The Easter feeling does not end, It signals a new beginning of nature spring and brand new life of friendship. Happy Easter!
- The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances. Wish you and your family a Happy Easter!
- The risen Lord has come into our lives and blessed us with abundant happiness and joy. Let us all together sing out praises to our heavenly Father. Have a Blessed Easter.
- The spirit of Easter is all about Hope, Love and Joyful living. I wish you a very happy Easter!
- The spirit of giving, the act of sharing, The blessings from above, with hearts pure as a dove. May you have a blessed Easter.
- There has never been and will never come a day when our loving Jesus is not a part and soul of our life. He will never ever forget us. He has carved each of our names on the palm of his hands. So let us all together thank and praise our risen Lord for his abundant and unconditional blessings.Have a blessed and wonderful Easter!
- Thinking of you at Easter, and wishing the wonders of springtime fill your heart with happiness. I wish you a very happy Easter!
- This Easter may the resurrected Lord bring you loads of happiness and joy. Happy Easter to you and your family.
- This Easter may you be blessed with lots of love and hope. Happy Easter to you my beloved friend.
- This Easter may your hearts be filled with love, peace and joy. May it remain with you forever and may you spread the word of Christ wherever you may go. May you have a pleasant Easter!
- This Easter, I’m wishing you to have peaceful heart and peaceful mind. May you realize all of your aspirations and hopes. Wish you and your family a Happy Easter!
- Warm and sincere wishes to you and your family on the glorious day of Easter. May the risen Christ visit you and your families.
- We could have just not asked for anything more, from a man who gave us way more than what we even wished for. Let us thank and praise Jesus for his gift of new life and hope. Have a blessed Easter. May you be touched by the love of the Lord.
- We hope your celebration of Easter is filled with the joy the Christ offers in his resurrection.
- What better sacrifice can one talk of, when our Lord himself laid down his entire life in suffering to save us from our sins! Let us praise and thank our Lord for his loving blessings. Have a blessed Easter.
- What better time to think of those who mean the most to us, than at this beautiful season of love. May this Easter be filled with happiness and bright with blessings.
- Who came first, the chicken or the egg? Who cares? It’s Easter! Happy Easter to you and your family.
- Wishing you an Easter that touches your heart and lives in your thoughts as a sweet reminder of just how special you are. Happy Easter to you and your family!
- Wishing you Happy Easter with new joys and new promises… and blessed with love and happiness!
- Wishing you were here to celebrate this holy occasion with me. Have a wonderful Easter!
- Without Easter, there would be no point in any other holiday. Have a wonderful Easter!
- You owe your life to God. Don’t waste it… Live responsibly… Inspire others to give glory to the Lord! Happy Easter!