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Is the reduction of fuel price in Nigeria a political campaign?

In an unexpected day of the week were most Nigerians are either in church, at home or just chilling off at their convenient

locations then the fededal goverment of nigeria releases a broadcast that the current fuel price of N97 is now been cut

down by N10 to be sold with immiedate effect at N87. WOW! Should this be called a blessing on a sunday for the whole citizens or should it be called a right timing for a political campaign to win the heart of voters?

Well in what ever way you might see and perceive this new development always try to utilize the positive thought/energy in you(us) because the more you perceive in your mind and put pictures of good and positive thoughts you'll eventually attract those thoughts to reality; is called "the la w of attraction" (i suggest you find this book and read it or better still google about it), what ever a man thinks in his heart; so is he. Am earnestly praying that God should fortify and enable the federal government of Nigeria to provide un- interrupted 24/7 power supply to all regions of the country even if they have to improvise.

My point here is that instead of castigating, lamenting and complaining like the kind of comments and arguments that has been going on nationwide since sunday mostly in vendor-stands(lol); let us just embrace positive changes and believe that Nigeria will keep getting better and bigger in all ramifications, it does not matter who will occupy that sit of power(i.e the presidency) because the will of God must surely be done by who ever occupies that sit of authority. Is time Nigerians wake up and take responsibilities seriously let us cultivate and embrace this spirit of patriotism, Nigeria will be only built by Nigerians.

Article By Akuson Henry

email: akuson.henry@gmail.com
mobile: +(234) 810-295-1775
