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We're 7 Billion People On Earth With Over 7000 Languages & Counting.

Original Post By http://qwikgist.com/

There are over 7 billion people in the world; one person shouldn’t be you source of pain
You have 7 billion reasons why you shouldn’t give up.
7 billion reasons why you should stay happy
There are 7 billion people brewing with ideas ever second of every day
Over 7 billion people looking up to the sun rising.
Over 7 billion people looking at the stars and wondering, appreciating
7 billion reasons to make a difference and sand out of the 7 billion people in the world at the moment
7 billion reasons to never ever settle for less.
You have 7 billion people, who no matter what cannot give off the same character as the next person
Over 7 billion people, screaming ‘SAME SAME BUT DIFFERENT’
7 billion people looking for miracles, magic and hoping for a change
You have the potential to change the life of over 7 billion people
Your heart can love each and every one of the 7 billion people scattered all over the world.
Over 7 billion dishes, known and unknown to you because everybody has their recipe.
Over 7 billion people smiling because of the eight wonders of the world
More than 7 billion people looking up to the fat that tomorrow can be better
7 billion people cruising through life
7 billion reasons why you should work twice as hard as the next person
7 billion reasons to take on the world with a unique view
Over 7 billion eyes looking at their screens and hoping a message comes through
Over 7 billion people listening to the sound surrounding them and swaying tto it
Over 7 billon people in the world and not one of them is you at the moment, because you are more than special, you are more than unique, you are wonderful and you are the absolute best. 7 billion people and everyone that knows you, just knows one version of you and not 7 billion.
Do not sell yourself short, you are 7 billion times greater than the person you think you are
