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People who had plastic surgery to look like celebrities.

Original Post by wowthatscool.com

Claire Louise Leeson

Claire Louise Leeson

Leeson likes Kim Kardashian. Lots of people do, but it's fair to say that Leeson takes things a bit farther than usual. She's undergone multiple surgeries to more closely resemble the superstar, and at a pretty high markup.

Nileen Namita

Nileen Namita

Nefertiti, the ancient Egyptian queen, probably isn't what springs to mind when you think of a celebrity. Namita, though, idolizes her so intensely that she's paid out nearly half a million dollars to resemble her.



A thirty-year-old woman named Kitty started surgical pursuit of a resemblance to Jennifer Lawrence in 2010. Since then she's been through nearly a dozen taxing facial reconstruction surgeries to further the goal.

Toby Sheldon

Toby Sheldon

Sheldon, thanks to thousands of dollars of surgery, looks like Justin Bieber might in fifteen very creepy years. Why a grown man would want to look like the Bieb isn't exactly immediately apparent, but whatever floats your boat.

Ashley Horn

Ashley Horn

Lindsay Lohan's half-sister, Ashley Horn, pursued surgery to more closely resemble Lohan. Critics alleged that Horn meant to capitalize on her resemblance to her sister and to more closely associate herself with Lohan's fame.



Jessica Alba's Chinese lookalike, Xiaoqing, stirred controversy when Alba criticized her publicly for her surgical pursuits. Xiaoqing maintained she only meant to show Alba respect and admiration by adopting her features.

Nadya Suleman

Nadya Suleman

Angelina Jolie's biggest fan has gotten...mixed results from her 100,000+ dollar campaign to pass for the object of her adoration. Complications in surgeries have caused major setbacks to an already dubious plan.

Myla Sinanaj

Myla Sinanaj

Kim Kardashian seems to get a whole lot of love from people eager to resculpt their entire bodies at the drop of a hat. Sinanaj has blown through most of her savings on surgeries to mimic not just Kardashian's face but her body type, too.

Yuh Reum Hong

Yuh Reum Hong

Miranda Kerr is an Australian supermodel, so probably Hong's surgical imitation of her raises eyebrows in South Korea. The Korean model expressed her belief that Kerr was a perfect human being and deserved imitation.

Kelly Chandler

Kelly Chandler

It must be tough to spend your life savings to resemble someone who kind of just...stops being a big deal. Chandler tried to replicate Jennifer Aniston's looks on her own skull, which was expensive, but at least regret is free.

Icon of the 80's

Icon of the 80's

Basquiat become famous worldwide during the 80's; this is one of the most famous photographs of the NYC artist. Fun fact: Jean-Michel is a former member of the now defunct experimental rock band, Gray.
