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Reasons You Should Stop Eating Pasta.


Pasta is the most common side dish in the standard citizen’s diet. Many people eat pasta on a daily basis, whether this high-carbohydrate food is part of Italian stir-fries, spaghetti, macaroni salads, toasts, Panini’s or sandwiches. Here are some reasons why you should avoid eating pasta and replace it with something else.
Other than carbohydrates, this food has very few essential nutrients to offer: total carbohydrate 79 g; Dietary fiber 3.2 g; Sugar 2.9 g; Protein 12 g; Vitamin A 0%; Vitamin C 0%; Calcium 2%; Iron 6%; Vitamin B-6 5%; Vitamin B-12 0% and is not even that tasty served on its own. This staple may seem hard to avoid, but keeping pasta out of your diet can help you lose weight more easily and better control your blood sugar levels.
Most Italian dishes, such as fettuccine Alfredo, spaghetti and lasagna, include a huge amount of pasta. Avoiding pasta does not mean that you have to forget about your favorite Italian meals. Use your imagination and replace the pasta with grain free dishes. For example, spaghetti squash tastes well as a substitute for pasta. You can use it as a base for the spaghetti sauce. You can also make lasagna free from pasta by replacing the lasagna noodles with layered and grilled slices of eggplant. If you are eating out, avoid the pasta dishes in the menu and choose grilled meat or a salad, fish or chicken served with vegetables.
Spaghetti with tomato sauce is pure carbohydrates. No fat, no protein to slow the absorption and in fact it is not whole wheat spaghetti. You take a bite and the body almost instantly converts these simple carbohydrates to glucose. The high influx of blood sugar produces an equally high level of insulin and if your glycogen stores are filled or if you are insulin resistant sending these directly to fat cells causing low blood sugar and signaling your brain for more nutrition and feeling hungry again. If you eat more tomato sauce with spaghetti after just eating sufficiently, your insulin is primed to do battle and is ready even quicker this time and with a higher spike sending carbohydrates to fat cells and you start the roller coaster of high then low blood sugar and you are driven to eat with this continuous blood sugar, insulin battles raging in your body. It looks like you have become insulin resistant- unless you had just finished an incredible exercising and your glycogen stores were completely drained, although you would have continued eating the first time and not stopped when full and then immediately hungry again which is more a sign of insulin resistance.
Although massive fat storage is a symptom, even the thin people can be insulin resistant. They are usually super active or have a very fast metabolism but high levels of carbohydrates over the years will damage their insulin receptors in the bodies just the same as the obese.
By fitnea.com
