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Buy your Quarry Granite for N3000 per tone and $550 per Metric Tone....packaged and delivered to you in any quantity and location you want...
Quarry Granite in Nigeria..
We are looking for investors to mine granite in Nigeria as our collaborators.
1) Initiative investment for 5 years: ¤3.5 million (Euro)
A. We guarantee:
a) Fixed return every year: 10% of initiative investment
= ¤350,000 Euro/year
b) Total fixed return in five years: ¤350,000 Euro/year × 5 years
= ¤1,750,000 (Euro)
We will give back all the initiative investment after 5 years.
c) Total fixed return/ Initiative investment = ¤1,750,000/ ¤3,500,000 = 50%
B. According to the laboratory analysis and reports, we estimate:
a) Total tonnage of production in a year: 1,000,000 tons/year
b) Minimum market price: ¤10 (Euro)/ton
c) Turnover (sales revenue) per year: ¤10 million (Euro)/year
2) Initiative investment for 5 years: ¤5 million (Euro)
A. We guarantee:
a) Fixed return every year: 10% of initiative investment
= ¤500,000 Euro/year
b) Total fixed return in five years: ¤500,000 Euro/year × 5 years
= ¤2,500,000 (Euro)
We will give back all the initiative investment after 5 years.
c) Total fixed return/ Initiative investment = ¤2,500,000/ ¤5,000,000 = 50%
B. According to the laboratory analysis and reports, we estimate:
d) Total tonnage of production in a year: 2,500,000 tons/year
e) Minimum market price: ¤10 (Euro)/ton
f) Turnover (sales revenue) per year: ¤25 million (Euro)/year
Detail: Please feel free to contact us.
Mining and Quarrying Statistics
Category: Nigerian Economy
1. Introduction
is the extraction of mineral occurring naturally such as coal, ores,
crude petroleum and natural gas. In view of their significance to the
Nigerian economy and peculiarities, the compilation of statistics of
petroleum and natural gas (which are coded as division 11 of the ISIC)
is discussed separately from that of solid minerals.
is one of the oldest economic activities in Nigeria dating back to
prehistoric times when man crudely exploited iron and clay, and perhaps
other metals, for the production of his cosmetics, crude implements and
utensils. The early European explorers, mainly German, Spanish and
British, located and mined tin, galena, gold, etc.for export to their
home countries. Records show that organised exploration activities in
Nigeria commenced in 1903 and 1904 when the Secretary of State for
Colonies inaugurated mineral surveys of the Southern and Northern
Protectorates respectively. The principal mineral occurrences discovered
by the survey teams included lignite deposits at Asaba, lead-zinc ores
at several locations, tin and columbite in the south-east, monazite,
limestone and lead-zinc ores at Abakaliki district. Others were coal at
Enugu, brine springs at Arufu and Awe, Galena in Jos area, iron ore
deposits in Niger and Kwara districts and marble deposits in
Jakura. Mining activity in controlled form, however, commenced in the
country in 1915 with the production of coal at the Enugu mines.
to the discovery of petroleum, Nigeria was impressively sustained by
agriculture and few solid minerals known at the time, namely coal, tin,
columbite and gold. Coal, for example, met fully the needs of our
railway system and electricity supply while tin yielded substantial
foreign exchange earnings for the nation. In addition, these minerals
also offered employment opportunities.
downturn in the economy and the introduction of the Structural
Adjustment Programme (SAP) necessitated a review of Government thinking.
The result is the crystallisation of the concept of diversification of
activities, and the promotion of privatization and commercialization.
the end of 1994, Government canvassed a private sector-led economic
revival programme in solid minerals, agriculture and manufacturing as a
means of diversifying the economy. This programme recommended the
establishment of a Ministry of Solid Minerals Development, the creation
of which was subsequently announced by the Head of State in his 1995
Annual Budget Speech.
geological data over the years have revealed that Nigeria is endowed
with numerous deposits of industrial, metallic and non-metallic
minerals. There are about thirty-four [34] minerals that have been
identified in the country, of which only 13 are being actually mined,
processed and marketed. They are coal (which has an export potential of
15 million tonnes per annum valued at US$1billion), kaolin, baryte,
limestone, dolomite, feldspar, glass sand, ganstones [haphazard], gold
[in small quantities], iron ore, lead-zinc, tin and its associated
minerals and recently gypsum. The remaining twenty-one [21] minerals,
though in demand are untapped. The volumes of domestic trade deficit and
foreign exchange losses resulting from this deficiency are colossal.
The availability of these minerals opens up opportunities in the following areas:
[a] exports and use in domestic industries for generation of foreign exchange and internal revenue.
[b] emergence of new industrial and downstream products.
increased employment of Nigerians, particularly in the rural areas
where the minerals are found. The multiplier benefits to the citizenry
are enormous. In fact, the solid minerals sector can very easily be the
largest employment sector of the economy, since deposits abound in
virtually every State of the Federation.
[d] technology transfer and development.
[e] development of infrastructure, especially in the rural areas [roads, hospitals, rail, schools and housing].
to the creation of the new Ministry of Solid Minerals Development,
enquiries and demands were being made for Nigerian solid minerals,
especially coal. Since inception, orders to the tune of 15 million
tonnes of coal have been received. When the necessary infrastructure is
put in place and the abandoned mines reactivated and modernized, coal
export can yield the nation about US$1 billion per annum. The high
demand for Nigerian coal is attributed to its low sulphur and moderate
ash content. In order to increase coal production to meet the demand,
Government is encouraging private investment by offering various
incentives including joint venture. The Nigerian Coal Corporation is
being reinvigorated and equipped and some of its obsolete equipment
replaced to enhance increased production.
Federal Government has embarked on formulation of well-articulated
policy objectives and programmes, the implementation of which will avail
the nation of the enormous opportunities offered by our mineral
wealth. The focus of these programmes is the development of the solid
mineral sector with a view to improving its economic importance relative
to other sectors of the economy. They are also designed to facilitate
favourable climate for foreign investors in all their ramifications.
creation of the Ministry of Solid Minerals Development and the
restoration of the pride of place to the sub-sector is commendable.
2. Coverage, Scope, Uses and Users of Statistics on Solid Minerals
solid minerals that are included in this sub-sector are coded as
divisions 10, 12, 13, and 14 of the International Standard Industrial
Classification of all Economic Activities, revision 3 released in 1988.
Since the sub-sector is a small component of the Nigerian economy and as
most of the solid minerals are not produced at all or in any
significant quantities, it was decided to give it the ISIC division code
of 14.
In this document, the solid minerals division covers the following activities:
mining of various types of hard coal (anthracite, bituminous or other
hard coal), lignite (brown coal), digging and agglomeration of peat,
underground or open cut (strip) mining. Mining operations include all
activities designed to improve quality and facilitate transport or
(ii) mining and concentration of uranium and thorium ores.
mining of iron and metal ores including the extraction of metals from
the ores, concentrating ores for metallurgical operations and production
of sintered iron ores.
mining of ores valued chiefly for non-ferrous metal content, including
ores of aluminium (bauxite), copper, lead, chrome, manganese, nickel,
lead-zinc, zinc, tin, ferro-alloys, precious metals (gold, silver, or
platinum group metals).
operations of quarries producing monumental and building stones in the
rough, roughly trimmed or cut by sawing or by other means typically done
at the quarry, such as slate, marble, granite parphyr or basalt, mining
of chalk or dolomite; crushing and breaking stone for use as a flux or
raw material in lime or cement manufacture or building material; road
metal or ballast; gypsum and anhydrite mining; mining of clay for the
ceramic or refractory industries for drilling and/or as a filter medium;
operations of sand or gravel pits.
(vi) mining of chemical and fertilizer minerals, extraction of salt and other mining and quarrying not classified elsewhere.
what is hereby classified as division 14 consists of 4 divisions (10,
12, 13, 14) and 8 classes (101-103, 120, 131, 132, 141 and 142) of the
ISIC. The coding system is such that any of these merged divisions
(which in future becomes a significant sub-sector of the Nigerian
economy) can be classified separately as a division.
on mining and quarrying is collected on establishment basis and refers
to the country as a whole regardless of the State in which the mines are
located. The information includes form of ownership, description of
products, unit of measurement, quantity produced and value, quantities
of major inputs and value, employment and wage bill. The time-series are
for 12-month periods, although the observations are tabulated on annual
basis in most cases.
most economic statistics, data on mining and quarrying are useful for
national planning, research and (at the micro level) for investment
decision making. They are also used in computing the index of industrial
production and as inputs in the compilation of the national accounts.
of mining and quarrying statistics include the National Planning
Commission, National Bureau of Statistics, Central Bank of Nigeria,
research institutes, economic consultants and international agencies.
3. Sources and Methods of Compiling Statistics on Mining and
Quarrying [Solid Minerals]
are two categories of sources of data on this sub-sector. These are
returns and reports which are produced on routine basis and surveys and
censuses. The Ministry of Solid Minerals Development as the line
ministry supervising the various mines is a major source of routine
statistics on solid minerals. These statistics are compiled by the Mines
Department, Planning Research and Statistics Department and the Budget
Division of the ministry. These datasets produced on routine basis
include time-series on quarrying and mining licences and titles, revenue
from mining activities, budget, employment and personnel costs. The
following seven returns and two publications are prepared by the
Ministry’s departments or divisions:
(1) Returns on Quarrying Licences: This is compiled monthly from returns of the zonal offices of the Mines Department.
Revenue Returns: Compiled monthly by the Budget Division, these
constitute an aggregation on Local Government Area, State and National
bases of revenue collected from mining and quarrying companies.
(3) Expenditure Returns, which are submitted monthly by zonal offices.
Mineral Production Returns, which contain information on solid mineral
production are compiled nationally and annually from half- yearly
submissions from the Jos Office of the Ministry.
(5) Personnel Cost Returns contain expenditure on staff salaries and allowances as submitted monthly by the Zonal Offices.
Explosives Returns contain monthly information on explosives used by
the over 600 mining companies operating in Nigeria. Annual aggregations
are prepared for each company and the nation by the records section of
the Ministry.
Quarrying Returns contain monthly information submitted by about 250
quarrying companies on their production of minerals and royalties paid.
Annual Report published by the Ministry contains information on the
activities of its Mines Department. It is made available to the Federal
Government, Mining and Quarrying Companies, Universities, Research
Institutes and the general public.
Revenue and Expenditure Returns are prepared on request, using Returns
(2) and (3) and made available to the Honourable Minister of Finance,
the Accountant-General of the Federation and the National Planning
steel companies also forward weekly or monthly reports of production of
different types of products to the supervising ministry — Ministry of
Solid Minerals Development. The returns are aggregated on a national
its active years, the Nigerian Coal Corporation was one of the major
producers of administrative statistics on solid minerals. The items of
data produced that are summarized annually for Nigeria as a whole
include those on output, employment and earnings, sales and accidents in
coal mines.
Nigerian Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industries, Mines and
Agriculture (NACCIMA) is also a source of register information on
mineral companies operating in Nigeria.
National Bureau of Statistics is the sole source of survey and census
data on solid minerals. The National Integrated Census of Industries and
Businesses (NCIB) has a module on Mining and Quarrying. The inquiry is
supposed to be conducted annually to collect information on the
activities of industrial mining and quarrying establishments nationwide.
Items of data covered in the questionnaire include employment, wages
and salaries, cost, gross output, stocks, value-added and ownership of
establishment. An exercise that might reveal useful information on the
quality of the NBS survey data is the comparison of the data supplied on
the Returns (4) and (7) above with similar information submitted to the
NBS in the census of mining and quarrying establishments.
4. Current Methods of Data Storage and Dissemination
database on solid minerals is yet to be developed for Nigeria. Most of
available items of data on activities in this sub-sector are published
by the NBS in its Annual Abstract of Statistics. The section on mining
and quarrying statistics is detailed on annual time-series on coal
on activities of mining and quarrying companies as compiled by the
Nigerian Mining Corporation and the Mining Department of the Ministry
are disparately available in hard copies of annual reports and
mimeographs. Much work needs to be done to establish a database of
time-series of solid mineral statistics.
5. NBS Data Base Coding System for Mining and Quarrying [Solid
Minerals] Statistics
5.1 The Division Code
have been made to follow the coding system used in the International
Standard Industrial Classification [ISIC], revision 3 released in
1988. Thus the division code or the first two digits of the code
assigned a six-code-variable (which identifies the division to which the
dataset belongs) is wherever feasible taken from the ISIC. The ISIC
division codes have been allocated on the basis of exact correspondence
in respect of most sectors except where proximity to the nearest
closely-related ISIC code and existence of un-used codes were the basis
for the allocation. Going by this system, Solid Minerals that are
included in this sector are coded as Divisions 10, 12, 13 and 14 of the
International Standard Industrial Classification of all economic
activities. Since the sub-sector is a small component of the Nigerian
economy and as most of the solid minerals are not produced at all or in
any significant quantities, it was decided to give the sub-sector the
ISIC Division Code “14”.
5.2 The Items and Details Code
efforts have been made to ensure that the Division Code or the first
two digits of the code assigned to each variable conforms as much as
possible with the ISIC, the items and details code which form the last
four digits of the code assigned to each variable are arbitrarily
determined. The Division-Item-Detail [DID] coding system is the basis
for coding NBS’s datasets. The item under each dataset is the elementary
entity or group of elementary entities [multiple-item cases] about
which statistical data are gathered. For example, in Mining and
Quarrying division, “Aggregates” coded 1401 is an item with 22 details.
the National Bureau of Statistics [NBS] is using a six-digit-code for
attributes [variables]. The first two digits are used to identify a
particular division. The first four digits are used for a particular
item under the division, while the first two are the division code and
the last two the item code.
coding the details, six digits are used to identify a particular
attribute [variable] as follows: the first two digits for the division,
the next two for the item under that division and the last two [that is,
the 5th and the 6th digits] for the detail [variable of interest] under
the division and the item.
all, there are 37 products-based items with 2,749 details in Mining and
Quarrying [Solid Mineral] datasets. The SOR also contains items and
details of data which are sub-sector specific in the sense that they
bring together information on all mineral products.
on this coding system, the NBS data structure [Statement Of
Requirements, SOR) for Mining and Quarrying [Solid Minerals] Statistics
is as shown below. The data set is coded 14 in conformity with the
time-series for the proposed 2,749 detail names are to be recorded
annually. The dimensions and coverage are as stated in the text.
the crude petroleum and natural gas sub-sector with detailed and fairly
well-organised time-series data, the solid minerals sub-sector has no
well organised items of data. Since mining and quarrying companies have
to obtain licences which are renewable, the Ministry of Solid Minerals
Development can effectively enforce adherence to a well-structured solid
minerals reporting system, which can be readily computerised.
Non-compliance will automatically lead to cancellation or non-renewal of
operating licences.
NBS should collaborate with the Ministry in the production of
census-based data on solid minerals. This will not only facilitate the
verification of the authenticity of data collected during the censuses
but may also lead to a higher response rate.
the authorities should increasingly check the activities of smugglers,
illegal miners and legitimate operators who submit false returns, and
prosecute culprits accordingly. This will not only instil sanity into
the sub-sector, boost Government revenue, but also improve the quality
of mining and quarrying statistics.