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35-year-old convicted of selling urine as whiskey

r-TRISTEN-KURILLA-JUVENILE-JUSTICE-SYSTEM-600x275-300x137A man who admitted to selling bottles of feces and urine as whiskey and vodka has received a 70-day suspended sentence for his crime.
The Huffington Post reports: Nicholas Stewart, 35, was arrested after being caught selling fake liter bottles of Jack Daniels whiskey and Smirnoff vodka to tourists for $15 at a slot machine complex in Blackpool, England.

A lab analysis of the bottles showed no alcohol in the bottles, but something more sinister, according to Blackpool Council prosecutor Victoria Cartmell.
“They were purported to contain whiskey and vodka, but they were water laced with urine and feces — probably to give the so-called whiskey color,” she said in court, according to the Blackpool Gazette.
“They were totally unsuitable for public consumption — they were hazardous and contained dangerous e-coli bacteria.”
Cartmell told the court that Stewart was involved in more than 30 other incidents and described him as “a persistent and troublesome offender,” according to UPI.com.
Stewart pleaded guilty to fraud but will serve no time behind bars, according to the Daily Mail.

