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Wow!!! Are You Ready IPPC 2014, What Is Your EXPECTATIONS?

Photo: Are You Ready?

It’s 18 days to IPPC 2014; an awesome meeting that will mark a watershed in your life.

Are you preparing to attend the conference? Here are a few things to note as you prepare.

- Take adequate time off work. The Pastors’ Conference begins on Monday, November 17th and is compulsory for all Pastors in the BLW Nation. The Partners’ conference begins on Thursday, November 20th and ends with an International Music Concert on Sunday Night, November 23rd 2014. This presupposes you will need to include Monday the 24th and maybe even Tuesday the 25th of November in your leave request if you live outside Lagos and need to travel back to your station after the conference. Partners who will participate in designated viewing centers via “IPPC in Your City” should also take the days off work so as to participate effectively in the life-changing meetings, as there’ll be morning and evening sessions.

Read more on Yookos: http://www.yookos.com/community/ippconline
Wow!!! Are You Ready?

An awesome meeting that will mark a watershed in your life.

Are you preparing to attend the conference? Here are a few things to note as you prepare.

- Take adequate time off work. The Pastors’ Conference begins on Monday, November 17th and is compulsory for all Pastors in the BLW Nation. The Partners’ conference begins on Thursday, November 20th and ends with an International Music Concert on Sunday Night, November 23rd 2014. This presupposes you will need to include Monday the 24th and maybe even Tuesday the 25th of November in your leave request if you live outside Lagos and need to travel back to your station after the conference. Partners who will participate in designated viewing centers via “IPPC in Your City” should also take the days off work so as to participate effectively in the life-changing meetings, as there’ll be morning and evening sessions.

Read more on Yookos: http://www.yookos.com/community/ippconline
              on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ippconline

Get all the Conference Information you need at the Push of a Button! 
Click this link http://www.ippconline.org/ to visit the new IPPC Website
