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10 Ways You Didn’t Know To Cook An Egg.

Original Post By Julia Austin AFKI Original Print
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The “incredible, edible egg” earned that description, which is why every time you scramble yours, you’re missing an opportunity. Just by altering the cooking method, you can change the taste of this protein-filled, oval miracle. Here are 10 ways you didn’t know to cook an egg.


Egg Bundles

Not only is the name adorable, the dish is delicious. Forget bacon and eggs. Make eggs wrapped in bacon. For this recipe, you line the muffin cups in a baking pan with bacon, essentially making little bacon cups, break an egg inside each bacon cup, and bake in the oven. You get soft-boiled eggs with bacon cooked in.

Eggs Over Medium

Often, you order eggs over easy and wish the yoke was just a little more cooked. Well it can be. Crack the eggs into a buttered skillet and don’t flip them. Just put a lid on the pan so the yoke can cook more.
Source: LiveStrong.com

Goldenrod Egg

This is how the French eat their eggs on Easter morning, but you can have them any day. This dish consists of a creamy sauce you make in a pan with flour, butter and milk. You pre-make hard-boiled eggs, separate the cooked egg white from the yolk, chop up the white, and whisk it into the cooking sauce. You pour the sauce over toast, and then crumble the yoke and put it on top of everything.
Source: AllRecipes.com

Crispy Poached Egg

You’ll find this type of egg on top of a lot of French salads. You soft-boil eggs, roll them in a breadcrumb batter, and then fry them in oil. The crisp fried batter texture is perfect against the soft egg on the inside.
Source: FormerChef.com

Microwaved Quiche

If your excuse for not making eggs is that you’re lazy in the mornings, then you have no more excuses. You can make a quiche — one of the fanciest dishes of all — by simply putting scrambled raw eggs along with your favorite add-ons like ham and green onions in a coffee cup, and microwaving the whole thing for about a minute.
Source: StlToday.com

Baked Strata

Baked strata is like bread pudding, but with eggs. You soak chunks of bread in milk-based sauce, sprinkle them with cheese, and bake them in a casserole dish with eggs, milk and mustard. It’s like putting your toast directly into your scramble.


The Rolled Omelet

Admit it. Successfully folding an omelet and then getting it to cook evenly is hard. Enter the rolled omelet. This isn’t an official name for the dish, but it’s probably something you’ve accidentally made several times while attempting to make a regular omelet. You just whisk up your raw eggs and pour them about two centimeters thick into a medium buttered pan. Let the eggs cook fully on one side, flip the entire sheet and let it cook on the other side, then fill it with whatever you want and just roll it up.

Egg Souffle

Eggs are the cornerstone of the souffle, but we’ve all forgotten that since chocolate soufflés came out. For an easy yet fancy dish, you can make an egg souffle with four egg yolks and three egg whites, a little bit of butter, milk and some flour. It’s a fluffy treat.


Aebleskivers are a Danish dessert pastry, but they come out incredibly moist because they have tons of eggs. There’s more egg than pastry here. You can add your favorite fruit, like apple slices, into the mixture when it bakes for a sweeter end product.
Source: AllRecipes.com

Puffy Omelet

You may not have forgotten these exist but you may have given up on trying to make them. You probably wonder at restaurants, “How do they get these omelets so fluffy?” The trick is finishing them in the oven. This recipe will make sure you get every step right.
